Sunday 26 April 2015

Clash of Clans - The Grind

This post is just to test out this blog heh.

Clash of Clans - One of the most addictive game i had ever played.

It started last October when I had decided to give this game a try, and literally, it almost ate my life away at the beginning. Basically, it is a game in which you are given a set of defense structures as well as resource structures you use to either improve your buildings or build troops to raid other player's bases. It is a fun and simple game, yet hard to be mastered.

For those that know this game, I am currently at town hall 8. It was a long road to this level, and a long more way to go. In my opinion, town hall 8 is the best time to grind your way to master because there are just simply too many buildings to upgrade. Mind you, this blog or post is not a guide or walkthrough for this game, it is just simply my view on how this game works.

Hence, having 5 builders will increase the speed of your progress. To be frank, it was bloody hard to grind to master. It takes time and patience. For town halls which are placed outside are obviously taken down at sight. Free trophies. However as you climb the trophies, you will reach to a point where the town halls are well placed as other players will protect their trophies as well. The higher you climb, the more th 9 or 10 will be seen instead of th 8. 

This is where it gets difficult. That is why before I begin to grind, I made sure that I have sufficient exilir and gold. Exilir - the BARC (barbarians and archers combo) are insufficient, my composition consist of wizards and giants, in which both are extreme ends of offensive and defensive. Why the gold then? Of course, when you are th 8 onward, it gets expensive to keep searching for bases. Therefore, sufficient gold is needed to ensure that you can keep searching. Keep searching till you find the right base. It is bad to be stuck half way due to insufficient resources before reaching your target because without a proper line up of troops, climbing the ranks will be extremely difficult.

PLEASE. I did not grind the whole day. For me, the trick is to make sure that more trophies are earned before you lose. Which means, if you earn 5 trophies for every raid, do at least 7 raids, which earns you 35 trophies. When you are raided, perhaps a lost of 30? That makes a climb of 5 trophies, which means you are 5 trophies nearer to master. This scenario is when you are about 1800-1900. I kept my town hall outside; logic: You are bound to be attacked by the bigger sharks, so why not put you town hall outside to attract lower level players who are grinding as well? This will then protect or would I say minimizing the risk of your resources being raided. Trust me, there are hardcore players who are having th 5-6 who are grinding to masters!

It took me about two weeks, without the need of playing the game the whole damn day. I have a life, mind you! :P